Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal

At, we understand that tattoos that seemed like a good idea at the time can cause regret and even difficulty in securing employment or going for a promotion. That's why we offer simple and effective laser tattoo removal to help you move forward.

Our medical-grade laser machine uses intense pulses of light to target the tattoo pigment, breaking it down into small particles that are safely and naturally flushed out of your system. The procedure is safe, effective, and available at an affordable cost.

During your initial consultation, we will assess your suitability for the procedure and provide you with pricing options. A topical numbing cream is applied prior to treatment, and our staff ensures a relaxed and comfortable environment.

After treatment, the tattooed area may become white and raised, and there may be pinpoint bleeding or blistering. However, these are normal reactions and the skin will typically return to normal within half an hour. Some pain or discomfort can occur after treatment, but it will usually settle within a few hours.

The number of sessions required varies for each individual and can depend on the age, depth, and range of colors used in the tattoo. A 4-8 week interval between treatments is recommended to allow pigment residue to be absorbed by the body. In many cases, the tattoo will continue to fade for up to two years after your last treatment.

We offer a variety of pricing options based on the size of the tattoo, with prices starting at $80.00 for a small tattoo and increasing to POA for tattoos over 12 square inches. Please note that these prices are subject to change.

If you are considering tattoo removal, it's important to protect the treated area from the sun for at least four weeks prior to treatment. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards a tattoo-free future.

What seemed like a good idea at the time can cause major problems later in life, including psychological distress. For others, it can result in difficulty in securing employment or going for a promotion.


How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

Our medical-grade laser machine works by producing short pulses of intense light that target the tattoo. These pulses pass straight through to the pigment, leaving the top layers of skin unharmed. When the light is absorbed, the ink molecules are broken down, allowing them to fragment into small particles and be absorbed into the bloodstream. The body then safely and naturally flushes these out of your system, causing the ink to disappear.

The procedure has been proven to be both safe and effective, with researchers having determined which wavelengths of light are most effective at removing ink without damaging surrounding skin. It removes both darker and lighter tattoos, black and most colour using different wave lengths.

Furthermore, our treatment is available at an affordable cost.

Does It Hurt?

The tattoo laser can be uncomfortable for some and has been described as being like a thin rubber band being snapped against the skin. It can also depend on the amount of ink in the area and the location. However, a topical numbing cream is applied prior to the treatment and we provide a relaxed environment where we ensure the best quality of care is provided.

What Can You Expect After Laser Treatment?

The Tattooed area that’s been treated will become white and raised immediately after treatment. This is expected and is a normal reaction; it will usually settle back to normal colour within about half an hour.

Pinpoint bleeding may happen, this will be cleansed off after treatment. The skin may also blister or become itchy. This is the skin responding and the cells working to break the pigment down… Some pain or discomfort can occur after treatment but will shortly settle after a few hours... Every skin type and tattoo will vary and present different responses.

If you are considering tattoo removal it is important to keep the treated area protected from the sun for at least four weeks prior to treatment.

How Many Treatments Do I Need?

The number of sessions varies with each individual and the age, depth, range of colours used in the tattoo. A 4-8 week interval between treatments is required to allow pigment residue to be absorbed by the body. In many cases the tattoo will continue to fade for up to two years after your last treatment.

Generally 1-10 treatments are required to remove an amateur tattoo and 5-20 treatments for a professional tattoo. This is just a guideline indication.

Tattoo Size Size per square inch Removal Price
Small Tattoo under sq inch $80.00
Medium 1-2 sq inch $120.00
Large 3-5 square inch $180.00
X Large 6-8 square inch $240.00
XX Large 9-12 sq inch $360
XXX Large Over 12 sq inch POA

Prices include GST and are subject to change.

*Please note

These sizes and prices for Laser tattoo removal are a guideline only and may be subject to change.